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Churches and oratories

Churches and oratories

Palatine Chapel

Located on the first floor of the Norman Palace, the Palatine Chapel was built from 1130 to 1132 under the reign of Roger II as the main chapel of the Royal Palace.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral is considered to be “History Book of Palermo”, because all dominations which have taken control over the centuries have left traces of their presence: the construction dates back to 1184.

Church of Saints Peter and Paul

The temple façade in tuff ashlar has exquisite neo-Gothic decorations and a closing strip, which runs along its entire length, with the names of the two titular saints and 1879 as the year of construction.

Church of SS Euno and Giuliano

Built between 1651 and 1658 by the confraternity of porters, also known as “flying chair conductors”, who would carry people through city streets on rented chairs.

Church of the Jesus or Casaprofessa

The Chiesa del Gesù, better known as the Casa Professa, built in 1564 by the Jesuits, is definitely the most significant example of Baroque art in Palermo.

Church of the Cappuccinelle Monastery

The monastic complex was built between 1732 and 1750 to house the nuns of the Capuchin order under the rule of St. Clare.
